Project Management

With any food production facility build, effective project management is vital in order to ensure that deadlines are met and budgets are adhered to. This aspect is made much simpler and easier to achieve when the whole project is being provided by one supplier, as the disconnect and delays that often result from having to communicate with a raft of different companies are avoided.

Attention to detail

When you work with the CRD team, you can expect very close attention to be paid to logistics, finance and overall progress. We manage this by having directly employed Project Managers. Their job is to ensure every part of you project goes smoothly, from setting up the site through to handing over a working facility.
We have extensive insight into exactly how much there is involved in building a fully-functioning food production facility due to the large-scale projects we’ve been a part of and it’s something that allows us to avoid common pitfalls and deliver purpose-built solutions on time, every time.
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